You know you are old when --you hate Hip-hop music. IT'S NOT MUSIC. We thought we would always be young. We would always like "rock music". That would mean we were young. Oh, dear. That just means we have taste. We can still be old. I still hate rap.
You know you are old when ---you grumble when gas hits $4.00 / gallon. Your first car ran on 25cent/ gallon gas.
You know you are old when---all the remote controls to run TVs, DVDs, stereo system, VHS etc confuse you. Maybe this just applies to women. I only use 3 or 4 buttons on any of them. They have about 20 or 30 buttons.
You know you are old when ---you thought it was a mistake to tear up all those train tracks to everywhere in this country and have been vindicated.
You know you are old when ---you can't pluck your eyebrows when you take off your bifocles. You can't see your wrinkles without your bifocles either. Might be better to forego those bifocles and live in fool's paradise.
You know you are old when---you miss churches where people were members cradle to grave and didn't keep moving to a better church.
You know you are old when-- you wish kids just played outside during the day.
You know you are old when--- you remember taxes that were about 10% of the family income (the early 60's).
You know you are old when--- You miss warm summers when people were out on porches or in yards talking to neighbors.
Ma Bell's monthly bill was for a phone and about $7 / month in the 60's -70's. There was no package for all the other electronic "conveniences" that are now necessities.
Babies learned because someone smiled at them. Someone talked to them. That someone was usually their mom. Baby Einstein wasn't a necessity. Baby videos didn't exist. Kids did just fine starting school at the old age of 6 or 7.
There weren't any video games. No video games to make antisocial bachelors out of our young men. No video games to cause carpel tunnel (I'm getting it from too much Collapse). No video games to occupy those kids who should be playing outside. Anyway, in my opinion, they haven't done much to improve on the games since Pac Man. Maybe I am a little corrupted myself. Maybe I'm getting old.
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