Do you think it is easy coming up with a subject for a daily blog? I would like to tell you it isn't, but it is. To quote Nora Ephron's mom, "Everything is copy". My husband just shakes his head when he hears me say, "That's my blog today". I don't need weighty news or a significant subject. I got mileage out of the overuse of the word vetting didn't I? Are you more aware now how overused that word is on the newscasts?
My husband Jon probably feels like he lives in a fishbowl. His wife may tattle on him at any minute. No secrets anymore. Did I tell you he was up on the roof powerwashing the skylights and cleaning up the acorns yesterday? He doesn't need my permission to do these things but they make me nervous. This is a guy who suffered a fractured pelvis and three broken ribs a few years ago from a tree trimming accident. I didn't even mention he was knocked unconscious in that fall.
The networks were geared up to cover Hurricane Gustav. It must be mandatory to have the reporter stand out in the elements so the audience can see the effects of the wind. This works better if your reporter is Al Roker. They showed footage of a small female reporter sliding laterally across the screen while telling us about the gusts. Love that drama. Where do you suppose the broadcasting term "anchor" came from?
Hurricane Gustav did not pack the anticipated punch and we thank God for sparing life and property. Before anyone can relax, we are reminded that Hurricanes Hanna and Ike are lining up out in the ocean. This is hurricane season. Expect more. "J" is next. Do you suppose their might be a Hurricane Jane? Jon just looked at me and knew where I was going with that thinking. Time to blog. I don't need much. A lot of hot air will do. I know that is what he thinks.
I didn't find that there had been a "Hurricane Jane" but did discover that is the name of a band from the UK. A little later I heard the NBC weatherguy say Josephine would be after Ike if another storm develops. Guess I missed the notoriety.
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