Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Stitch in Time Takes Time to Heal

A stitch in time, well actually a staple in time will still take time to heal. Thursday we checked Jon into the hospital for an endarterectomy of the femoral artery. He has had increasing numbness and pain in his thigh. Test showed multiple blockages. The surgeon scheduled a "roto-rooter" procedure to remove the plaque and open up circulation. The morning of surgery the Dr. said he now believed he should clean out the vessels and do a bypass using a grafted vein from Jon's thigh. Research showed a longer relief and better result. We said yes. This changed things. We had anticipated a fairly brief recovery. Small incisions. Jon consented to the more involved surgery. He has a groin to knee incision that needs to heal and is quite tender. They give drugs for pain but it will take time for the healing and swelling to diminish. He felt better yesterday and was more mobile. Doc said he might release him today. He was bored in the hospital yesterday. I am lonesome. I am hoping I can bundle him up and bring him home. It is not the same around here without him. I even miss the snoring. It is frigid cold in Minnesota. Winter has come with a blast. Time to hunker down, put up the Christmas tree and drink warm tea---together.

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