February 14th is here and I forgot to buy my sweetie a card or gift. He has always been more thoughtful than me. Thankfully he greeted me first thing with a warm "Happy Valentine's Day" and confessed he had done the same thing. We just had our 41st anniversary and I have had 14,965 days when he has proved his love for me. He still says he loves me often.
The love of my life has hundreds of thoughtful ways he shows his love too. Last night when I got home from babysitting, dinner was ready. He keeps my computer humming and my car clean. He is a pillar of strength in difficult times. He is more optimistic than I am and a man of faith. Eventually our ashes will be shelved in a columbarium in the Minnesota Veteran's Cemetary in Little Falls, MN, but we will live on forever eternally. Jon is the guy who turned my heart toward accepting Jesus years ago. Now that is a lasting valentine. Consider it yourself. This life is just a test. We were designed to last forever. We were designed to live in paradise. If you have put your hope in politicians, your money or even yourself, all will let you down. Put your heart in His hands.
The love of my life has hundreds of thoughtful ways he shows his love too. Last night when I got home from babysitting, dinner was ready. He keeps my computer humming and my car clean. He is a pillar of strength in difficult times. He is more optimistic than I am and a man of faith. Eventually our ashes will be shelved in a columbarium in the Minnesota Veteran's Cemetary in Little Falls, MN, but we will live on forever eternally. Jon is the guy who turned my heart toward accepting Jesus years ago. Now that is a lasting valentine. Consider it yourself. This life is just a test. We were designed to last forever. We were designed to live in paradise. If you have put your hope in politicians, your money or even yourself, all will let you down. Put your heart in His hands.
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