For years our yard was too shady to grow tomatoes. When we first moved here twenty-six years ago, we had a productive garden. Then the trees matured and we had too much shade. I grew a few plants in containers in front of the house where it is sunny. Almost two years ago we had to cut down two mature trees. Viola. Sunshine and better grass and full sun in part of the backyard. We put in four tomato plants along the fence last year that more than met our needs with plenty to share with tomatoless friends.
Memorial Day was the traditional day when it seems safe to put in the garden. You can plant sooner and hope you don't get chilly weather, but the end of May will usually work. We spent five hours Monday removing sod, chopping roots, and enlarging last year's garden plot. Our original garden space is still too shady for tomatoes. Both of us were exhausted. Thirty years ago we could have done that job in an hour. We put in tomatoes and herbs. When I bought the plants I decided to try an heriloom tomato plant. People rave that heirlooms flavor is better than hybrids. The nursery had about a varities dozen to chose from. When I spotted one called "The German" I bought it. I wanted a sturdy, reliable, productive plant. It will be interesting to see how we like it.
Yesterday afternoon a gentleman called for Jon. He wasn't available and I asked if I could take his number and have Jon return the call. He replied he was calling from Germany and had seen some old photographs online that Jon had posted on his Picasa site. He thought one was of an ancestor of his. He has the same last name and wondered if we were related. I exchanged email addresses with him. He is an American who married a German and has lived in the Bavaria for twenty-five years. He lives outside of Wurzberg where Jon was stationed in the Army.
Small world. I should have asked him about those "German" tomatoes.
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