We went with Mary, Mike & the twins to Ikea yesterday. They were checking out closet storage units for the kids room. Before shopping, we hit the cafeteria. This is an inexpensive, family friendly place to eat. Swedish meatballs are good kid food and during the holidays they are feeding children under 12 free. Thanks Ikea.
The twins were enamored by a child's room display. Toy furniture. A properly sized kitchen stove, sink, table set and bed. Stuffed animals and play food. A pink room that fascinated Zoe. I kept watch while Mike and Mary shopped closeby.
As we were about to check out, Mike spotted the buy of the day; bins of glove bat puppets. Of course he bought one. Who could resist the "New Year's Bat". The children were thrilled when daddy demonstrated the critter's ability to fly.
Bats. I like the kind from the store better than the real ones.
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