Headline in the St. Paul Pioneer Press this morning says, "Imagine". Beneath that is a photoshopped picture of our #4, Brett Favre holding the superbowl trophy.
Many NFL fans felt good seeing Drew Brees and the NO Saints win the big game last February. New Orleans needs encouragement and that quarterback brought game.
It is time to have mercy on this franchise. The Vikings have never won the big game. Those who lived through the glory years in the 70's are a little gun shy, at least I am. We have four Superbowl games and four losses. But, hope springs eternal.
This might be the year. It is #4's last season. (At least that is what his contract says.) Fans are hanging a lot on one guy. We could win it all if those bruisers from the Saints don't mangle poor Brett at the season opener tonight.
If that happens, we will have to live with today's front page and print that photoshopped picture to hang on the wall.
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