Hot off the press---They are changing the horticultural planting zone where I live. Due to warmer winters, part of Minnesota will move from zone 4 to zone 5. The county where we live is partially in zone 5 now. I am not sure how this will affect us. From the map it looks like the areas closest to the river are now zone 5. I can't tell if that includes our yard. With our eldest son a horticulturist, perhaps I can get an answer to my question. However, it doesn't matter much to me. My plantings are what is easiest to grow. I am not sure I want to try anything exotic. I jumped on the bandwagon a few years ago with the Endless Summer blue hydrangea and it did not survive the winter. I also planted two Carefree yellow rose bushes which also died over the winter. Both of these plantings were zoned for zone 4. Go figure.
It is warm this week. Monday should hit 70 and I see my daylilies and some hostas are poking out of the ground. Dan, the horticulturist, planted a bunch of new tulip bulbs last fall. He meant to surprise us, but our neighbor told me. I can't wait to see them popping up like a row of soldiers. Hopefully, the squirrels have not feasted on them.
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