Yesterday I did something I swore I would never do. I told my husband how much I weigh. I haven't told anyone how much I weigh since I hit 126# years ago. My Dr. knows, but he has taken the Hippocratic Oath and is bound by Hippa law to secrecy.
I was outsmarted by my sweetie. He bombarded me with guesses. He guessed extremely high knowing that might make me feel good that I didn't weigh as much as he said. It was a boondoggle. Feeling a little better about myself since I have lost 30#, I told him the truth. Time to be honest and time to divulge so he can hold me accountable in the future. Problem is, I forgot my husband is no good at keeping secrets.
I want friends and family to swear out a warrant for my arrest if I regain more than a pound, but I am NOT telling you what I weigh. You will have to be very observant.I know that doesn't make sense. You can see the real person but that number will remain my secret. Maybe someday my driver's stated vital stats. will match the truth.
The woman in this cartoon must have one of those talking scales. If mine had talked it would have said "Get A Life". That is what I feel I am finally doing. I have new zest and energy and see myself getting and staying in shape. Now, when was that high school reunion again?
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