Our "baby" is coming home today. Andy is the traveler I have been blogging about. He returns home today from London. We are praying for safe travel and plan to meet him at the airport about 8:30pm. Yesterday's email related "being halfway through a 40 hour return trip."
After spending five days in Lake Belaton, Hungary the boys had a peek at the essential sites in Vienna and Prague. Both are beautiful cities, but he described Prague as totally overrun with tourists. I think the less traveled places held more appeal for him. They got back to Goldbach, Germany (Kai's home) late Saturday night and he left from Frankfurt Hahn airport the next day.
Arriving in London he found out it was a "bank holiday" and rooms were scarce. He paid more than he would have liked for a B & B near Piccadilly Square but was glad to find something. Today he should have left around noon London time for the final push home.
I titled this "Dreamcoat" thinking about what I said to daughter Mary a few weeks back. "It is a wonder you and your brothers didn't throw Andy in a hole and sell him into slavery in Egypt". This is in reference to the Bible story of Joseph the youngest of Jacob's 12 who was jealously regarded by his brother's as the patriarch's favorite. He is not our favorite. He is just our youngest. When he was born his older siblings were 13, 15, and 17. He is our baby, but it is so clear he is now a young adult able to handle himself living and traveling abroad.
We'll have a quick few hours to catch up on his news before he heads back to college to see the young lady he cares for. I guess he really is growing up.
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