' 'Cause I've got friends in low places, Where the whiskey drowns, And the beer chases my blues away, And I'll be okay. I'm not big on social graces, Think I'll slip on down to the oasis Oh, I've got friends in low places..." Garth Brooks
About ten years ago I went through a phase liking some of the newer country music. I bought a couple Garth Brooks CDs. One had a song called, "I got friends in low places". He sings about drinking and partying at the Oasis. Our favorite low down diner is called the (River)Oasis and we have fond memories of meeting friends there for a hearty breakfast.
They don't serve whiskey at our "Oasis" but darn good coffee. This week it was closed for a day so an Indie filmmaker could shoot a scene inside. Several years ago it was also used as a location in the movie, "Beautiful Girls" when they filmed in Stillwater. I enjoyed that movie and especially spotting the different locations in town. It had a raft of famous actors; Timothy Hutton, Uma Thurman, Rosie O'Donnell, Mira Scarvino, Matt Dillon, Natalie Portman and a couple other famous ones whose names I can't remember. There are a couple of scenes in the movie that are priceless. It's a good rental if you haven't seen it.
Stillwater's other claim to fame is several location shots in the movie, "Grumpier Old Men" with Sophia Loren, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthew, Daryl Hannah and Ann Margaret. Jon, Andy and I had a good time as extras in this movie but our scene was cut. A little movie called "The Cure" was also shot here. Only in small town America will you find locals who are thrilled to have everyday life disrupted for filming.
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