Last night was a good evening to see a movie. Too many hot nights have been spent at home, indoors. I guess we were still indoors, but at least not dozing off in our recliners. We saw Hairspray. Not many movies out there to consider; it seemed the best of a few we considered.
The movie is set in 1962 and since we both graduated in a years bookending '62 we enjoyed some of the nostalgia. One funny scene has very pregnant women drinking cocktails and smoking in a bar. When I was quite pregnant I remember attending a baby shower for a friend held in a downtown Mpls bar. I am pretty sure we drank and also smoked. I distinctly remember some guys making passes at me and I responding, "You have got to be kidding". Times have changed. Horrifying isn't it.
My second aha moment was seeing the hairdo the young star of the show wore. I wore my hair like that in 1963 and sprayed it solid with Rayette hairspray. I also wore white canvas Keds shoes with nylons and straight skirts. I was not as zoftic at the time as the main character. It is funny how the show puts an upbeat spin on being fat. All the news this AM on the Today Show was about controlling the weight of the younger generation of chubby kids. I also grew up in a small town in central Minnesota where there weren't any race issues I can remember. We only had two Jewish families in town and no one of color.
Yesterday I cooked a pork roast in the crock pot. Jon is not fond of pork but ate it for supper. One of the running gags in the movie is the John Travolta character/aka the mom, offering to feed people pork. I guess pork still gets a bad rap as fattening although the leaner cuts are about like chicken now. Tonight I waltzed up to him asked if I could feed him pork again. He will only bite on that menu once.
Here's to memories of watching American Bandstand and ratting up my hair and spraying it solid. Those younger better watch out. Those raggety cut hairdos of the past few years are not going to hold up much better. Your kids will also laugh at your old pictures. At least no one is wearing pantyhose with white tennis shoes.
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