Our firstborn son was a fussy eater. We tried to fix him. We didn't. We just had miserable mealtimes. When #4 came along years later (17 yrs later), he was fussier than son #1. We didn't try to fix him. We capitulated. I have only had one other mother share she had an equally finicky eater. Andy would only eat the crust on pizza until he was six. He ate that because we were traveling and desperate. He would not even try chocolate ice cream until he went to school. When we went to Epcot Center we ate at the French Pavillion because they had French fries. I think he knew how to manipulate us, but he wouldn't taste new things. He is the only kid I knew who would not even taste the Gerber baby food meat. He ate a few vegetables like corn and potatoes but no meat. His first hamburger was consumed at age 18. There was a standing offer for years of $20. if he would eat a hamburger. In his teens he began to eat turkey and chicken but still just a small selection of foods fit his palate. Andy became more adventurous when he went to the prom and his group ate oysters. He ate the oysters. Now after his adventurous eating in China, he remarked, "I can eat anything after that." I think we screwed up not sending or taking him to China at an early age.
Is that true? He was 18 before he tasted a hamburger? Not that eating a hamburger is a good thing.. Perhaps society is trying to talk him out of his natural instincts. Although pasta and bread aren't necessarily the better option. I do recall the horrified look on your face when I told Andy what jello was made of. Again, not that jello is healthy, but you could get him to eat it (until then):)
It is true he did not eat a hamburger until age 18. All this would have been okay if he had been a vegetarian, but he was a noodleatarian. Just white food, please.
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