There is an ongoing television writers union strike. The networks are using up the episodes they have "in the can". Late night shows have been reruns for a month. I heard we can expect more "reality-type shows" that do not require talent to script them. Most of these we do not bother to watch or even sample. I am, however, an ardent "Dancing With the Stars" fan and going through withdrawal pains this week. My one consolation, "American Idol" is in the wings. In about a month we can again painfully watch as the talented and not-so-talented undergo tryouts. Jon once said he wondered if these people already knew they could not sing. I reminded him that someone we know performs regularly and she has no clue she always sings off key. I also went to school with a girl who would belt out a song if anyone asked. She also would have gotten thumbs down from the Dawg. Hope springs eternal. Some of these kids try out year after year and are sent packing. Sometimes the audience gets the last laugh and keeps voting them on week after week while sending home better singers. It all starts January 15th. I can't wait.
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