This morning when I heard Mitt Romney had lost the Florida primary I said that I kind of felt sorry for the guy. He has been spending his personal fortune. I think I heard $40,000,000 to date. My husband had a different slant. He said it was "Good for the economy". Good for the economy? All this time I have been whining that I am already tired of campaigns. I should repent. I can take it, if it is good for my country. Let them spend. Let the money flow. I will remember it is good for the bottom line.
Is passing legislation that adds $150 billion to the national debt by sending everyone a check
the best plan for stimulus for the economy? Popular move maybe, but they are counting on everyone spending the money. Do you think everyone will spend their check? What if some save it? Wouldn't it have been a better idea to send us gift cards from the store of our choice? The feds could probably get a 5% price break from the stores. Everyone knows that 10% of these cards are never redeemed. That would mean the businesses would gain 5% upfront and the Gov would get a discount of $7,500,000,000.. A win/win deal. Uncle Sam as Santa. The bill the Feds charged would arrive later for taxpayers or taxpayers kids just like at Christmas. Make that "holiday season" to be PC.
Maybe more politikin' would solve our economic woes. More candidates--all of the time. Maybe I would vote for the guy who offered to send me a check from his personal fortune. Maybe I would send the government a check if they would just stop!
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