I walk at the Rec Center in the dome covered field house. The surface is a soft Astro-turf like fake grass; it is easy on the feet. Walkers frequently remark how grateful we (mostly senior citizens) are for the warm, dry place to walk. Yesterday everyone said how cold they were. No heat. No wind either, but no heat. Today I will venture over a little later hoping the candlepower effect of all those warm bodies helps. Maybe they have fixed the heaters.
I haven't blogged since Sunday. No ideas. Still no ideas of consequence, just a few contemplations. If you are my age you will remember Edmund Muskie, a presidential candidate from the 60's or 70's, tearfully defending an attack against his wife. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canuck_Letter It cost him his candidacy. A few years later, a congresswoman from Colorado, Pat Schroeder, wept on camera and was ousted from the race. Can't show weakness. What happened in New Hampshire? How did this ball bounce in Hillary's favor? Or did it? Pollsters are squirming. Perhaps the public who had watched Hillary stand up to Bill's publicly exposed philandering without tears felt compassion for her. Some might have seen her sensitive side for the first time. I still think Mitt better be careful.
We live on the border. The other day as I drove, no sped, across the long interstate bridge by Hudson, WI. I noted my speedometer's reading and slowed down. Then I wondered who exactly would give me a ticket on that bridge? Wisconsin State Patrol? Minnesota State Patrol? Who patrols it? I believe both have jurisdiction but can't imagine a squad car driving out half-way and making a U turn. I reckon it is a free zone. Put the petal to the metal and go. Slow at the exit.
We were in Montana in the early 90's shortly after they had a period of no speeding laws. Those independent people liked their wide open spaces and have a cowboy attitude towards government restrictions. Go as fast as you want. No problem. Plenty of room on those isolated roads. They did coalesce and reestablish restrictions bowing to federal pressure to withhold funds. Our Montana friends told us it was also legal for someone to drive and drink a beer in the car. Amazing. Wasn't legal to be drunk, but it was legal to drink. I guess when you live in a big, lightly populated state they worry less about hitting another car. The moose are on their own.
The picture is not Edmund Muskie, just some guy on the Intranet with a great catch.
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