Recent news of another way to exit this world has people talking. They are able to use lye to dissolve bodies. Yuk. I think my sister's choice of a "Green" burial is more appealing. No embalming. We were discussing this lye method when a friend suggested maybe our Andy, the newly graduated chemist, could get a job in this emerging field. "He could be the one to hold the ankles for the dip". I don't think that he has envisioned that in his career path.
I read and often submit comments to our newspaper's Bulletin Board section. One contributor recently commented on the lye disposal. He said he was a gambler and he could finally get a straight flush. Below are responses to his remarks. I remain The MOM in Stillwater. Don't you love the first comment from Mamallama?
"What this country has been needing? (responsorial)
Mamallama of Como Park: "Two things occurred to me as I was reading the May 15 submission by The Doryman about the alternative method of disposing of human remains. Right after the words 'by placing it (the dead body) in a vat of lye,' I thought: 'Isn't that how lutefisk is made?'
"That was immediately followed by my decision never to eat Soylent Lutefisk."
The MOM in Stillwater: "I enjoyed Doryman's comments on his funeral arrangements and eventually getting a 'straight flush.' Disposal of the deceased by chemicals seems the ultimate 'acid trip' for the Boomer generation.
"All this gory talk reminded me of Stillwater's Lumberjack parade years ago. A local septic pumping company had their (clean) truck in the parade. Painted on the side of the truck was their slogan: 'A Straight Flush Beats a Full House.'
Mamallama of Como Park: "Two things occurred to me as I was reading the May 15 submission by The Doryman about the alternative method of disposing of human remains. Right after the words 'by placing it (the dead body) in a vat of lye,' I thought: 'Isn't that how lutefisk is made?'
"That was immediately followed by my decision never to eat Soylent Lutefisk."
The MOM in Stillwater: "I enjoyed Doryman's comments on his funeral arrangements and eventually getting a 'straight flush.' Disposal of the deceased by chemicals seems the ultimate 'acid trip' for the Boomer generation.
"All this gory talk reminded me of Stillwater's Lumberjack parade years ago. A local septic pumping company had their (clean) truck in the parade. Painted on the side of the truck was their slogan: 'A Straight Flush Beats a Full House.'
It's hard to argue with that.
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