Today's Pioneer Press Washington County section has a story on a Stillwater company's Reverie Harp. It was designed by Matt Edwards of Musicmakers, a local retail and catalog merchant of stringed instruments and kits to build your own. They offer the harp in kit form or ready-built and it has become their best seller. People love it because anyone can play it. You can't hit a bad note. It is tuned so that all the strings are in accord and a person can play it without lessons.
Our daughter worked for this company for almost ten years and Matt is the young man who filled her job when she left. I was thrilled to hear of the company's success with the instrument.
This easy to play instrument is reported to be soothing and used during pregnancy, labor and with hospitalized patients. Even a child can play.
Link to website: Scroll down left column to the light green area and click on "sound" for a page with audio samples. I like the effect when it is played with dulcimer hammers.
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