The title says it all. I like to make chili (the soup) when it is cold outside. My apologies to my Texas relatives. Mine would not pass for chili in the Lone Star State. There are no real chilis in my chili and I use hamburger which is a cardinal sin unless you live in Minnesota. We recently had a Chili Cookoff at church. This is mostly a time for the guys to show off their skills. An associate pastor calls his recipe "Methane Madness".
Garrison Keillor likes to muse about our cuisine--green jello "salad" and hot dish are traditional church pot luck dishes. Actually, I haven't seen green jello salad in years and not much of any Jello at church dinners but you might have to be Lutheran. Catholics ate red jello with bananas like my mom made.
A recent bit of news that might interest my Texas family, the three counties around St. Cloud, MN are considering consolidation to save administrative costs.
The proposed name of the new county would be Lake Wobegon County. No kidding. I wonder if Mr. Keillor has a copyright on the name. Perhaps he could work a deal with the state. We use the name and let him be our new senator.
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