Our older three children were all born in the former St. Barnabas Hospital in downtown Minneapolis. That hospital was closed and HCMC expanded onto the site. Our older grandkids were born in HCMC's midwife birthing center.
Back in the late 60's, early 70's there was a sign in the OB unit at St. Barnabas that said "Deliveries in Rear". They really did do deliveries in the rear portion of the unit. When a woman was having a baby she labored in one room and delivered in another --the delivery room in the rear. I always thought that was funny. "Deliveries in Rear" looked like a sign belonged at a place of business not a hospital. I am sure humor was intended. I wonder why I have never seen a sign in newborn nursery that says, "We will pamper your child".
A couple days ago I blogged about baby Roman's first survey. He was solicited to answer some questions about his hospital stay. What a paper trail that kid already has. Besides some big bills flying back and forth from hospital to insurer, he has a birth certificate and social security number. In some precincts of large eastern cities that would be enough to register to vote. He might even make a buck or two for throwing his vote to the "ward boss". They vote the cemetary, don't they? Chicago, Philly, Cleveland? If he had a cell phone, land line or email address he might get requests for campaign donations.
Oh Roman, you have so much to look forward to.
Roman's namesake, great-grandpa Roman who died in 1997 still gets mail sent here occasionally. My husband had his mail transferred here after grandpa Romie died to catch any bills etc. One letter came for him about a year later asking, "How do you like your new home?" We hoped he liked his new home.
Maybe Grandpa Romie can vote in Chicago and Philly now too.