Congress passed the bill today. With their usual finesse they managed to turn an overly expensive 700 billion dollar fiasco into a 800 billion dollar fiasco. Business as usual. Lots of pork. I heard one congressman admire their handiwork and say the hundreds of millions allotted in the bill to rum importers would at least get someone the pirate vote.
Our Minnesota senators voted with the ayes. Our local congresswoman, Michele Bachman, voted with the opposition in the House. I am still not sure who is right. Like the rest of America, I am still seething that we were given this monstosity of a bill. I was also scared to have them do nothing about the problem and economic conditions worsen. I don't know. I do wonder though, as long as they picked up the tab for Wall Street and then "sweetened" it to get the votes ,if we shouldn't have hounded our Michele Bachman to try to get us a new bridge over the St. Croix river. The town / state has been trying to get funding for a new bridge since the '60s. It is on the calendar to be replaced in 2024. 2024. What the heck, would another $250,000,000. have mattered that much? Oink, Oink, Oink. They will just print more dollars. I wonder how the dollar stacks up against Canadian currency and the Euro this week.
Our Minnesota senators voted with the ayes. Our local congresswoman, Michele Bachman, voted with the opposition in the House. I am still not sure who is right. Like the rest of America, I am still seething that we were given this monstosity of a bill. I was also scared to have them do nothing about the problem and economic conditions worsen. I don't know. I do wonder though, as long as they picked up the tab for Wall Street and then "sweetened" it to get the votes ,if we shouldn't have hounded our Michele Bachman to try to get us a new bridge over the St. Croix river. The town / state has been trying to get funding for a new bridge since the '60s. It is on the calendar to be replaced in 2024. 2024. What the heck, would another $250,000,000. have mattered that much? Oink, Oink, Oink. They will just print more dollars. I wonder how the dollar stacks up against Canadian currency and the Euro this week.
PS: How do you like the picture? A pig on a bridge? You can find almost anything Googling. Googling, a tool to keep the masses placated and keep their minds off our problems. Maybe we don't need to worry about saving money for college funds for our kids. They are all computer literate. They could Google their way toward a degree. It may be necessary as we pay off the $800,000,000,000.00 we all owe. Would it help if we returned those stimulus checks?
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