WHEW. Jon had surgery yesterday to clear a blocked carotid artery (in his neck). It was a relief to have that behind us safely. I think I was overly concerned about a stroke and feel better to have the plumbing cleaned out. He'll be discharged later this morning after they remove all the "lines". His blood loss was minimal. Everything went as well as it could have. He spent the night in the new ICU at Lakeview Hospital where I used to work. They put him in the suite, a room generously twice the normal size with views of two lakes. Too bad he couldn't appreciate it. The bathroom is almost as large as our bedroom at home. Room assignments were made by people who are old work friends of mine.
We have a local plumbing company named "Clog Unbogglers".
Didn't use them. Instead he added another Dr. to the somewhat long list of professionals who do maintainance on him. I like this new doc. He has a sense of humor. After surgery he told me that my husband did have sleep apnea which was a concern to the anesthesiologist. (We knew he had sleep apnea. Wives are the first to know.) Then the surgeon smiled and said, "Jon did fine. His apnea kept the anesthesia guys awake. That's always a good thing during surgery." I made a mental picture of a bored anesthestic dozing on the job. Apparently that didn't happen yesterday. All went well.
We have been married almost 41 years and I realized there is little I would change about my guy. Maybe I would have liked to dance a little more. He quit dancing after the vows were spoken. Did just enougdancing to get a wife.
My sister emailed me the following video. The couple look like they will have fun together. Wonder if she has a prenupt stating he will continue to dance after the wedding.
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