Sunday our pastor taught/preached about speaking God's word into our lives. It works like this, know what is in God's word and proclaim those words of truth / blessing into your own lives. One of his examples, Phillipians 4:13: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
I have used that one this week. With the crisis Mary and the babies went through this week with the pregnancy and delivery I have searched for other words of life in the book. One verse proclaims that the children and the children's children of believers will be blessed. I am using that. Previously I had written our first two grandchildrens names in the margin by that verse. I added Zoe and Roman this week. We do not have to face problems alone. God is more powerful than us and he loves us. When we chose to follow Him and begin to align ourselves to His ways he is there with us. Often we hear people say that everyone is a child of God. I don't believe that. Everyone is a creation of God. You become a child of God by choice. Opt in or out. You have free will.
The other point our pastor made was to speak words of blessing over ourselves and family. Have you ever noticed when someone has a foul mouth cursing everything in their lives with (excuse me) God damn this, God damn this, their lives are usually a mess? Why would we reject blessing our own lives and chose to say they should be cursed? You need spiritual understanding to see this. Yours for the asking.
May God Bless You richly today and may he continue to bless me and our family, especially those precious little ones and daughter Mary and Mike, her husband and new daddy. Grace to to them. May God keep them all safely in the palm of his hand and there is no snatching out of God's hand.
Link to a cool website with beautiful murals. Note the before and after pictures. We need vision to see what might be. Beauty from ashes. The before picture on the left, to the right after. http://www.ericgrohemurals.com/projects.html
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