Years ago I realized that when I felt critical of someone else's behavior I was usually guilty of the same sin at some level. The bible even says if you have lust in your heart you are guilty of adultery. If you are sinfully angry with your brother, you have murder in your heart--to paraphrase. Still, initially I fall into the trap of shaking my head when I see someone do something I think is stupid or wrong. Then it hits judgmental me. I am guilty too.
It isn't just the seawalls in Texas that have taken a beating this past week. Wall street's giant fortresses are coming apart. Companies too big to fail are failing. Again we stand back in horror and afix the blame. Too little regulation? Too much greed? Too many people making bad loans. Too many greedy bankers? Too much trust that there would always be good times? Too much credit card debt? Too little savings? Too much dependence that the government wouldn't let anything bad happen to us? Someone else's fault?
It will be discussed and dissected for a long time by people with and without expertise.
Perhaps many got sucked into a big pyramid scheme. While it is working there are smiles on everyone's faces. When it falls apart those who organized it are in jail or on the lamb. A pyramid scheme. It appears strong but it is built on sand.
I groan when I check my IRA account online. It is divided, diversified but this debacle has pulled the stock market down. I was greedy too, ignoring advice to not keep more than 50% of funds in stocks.
My security is not in the strength of my mutual funds. I picked a user name that reminds me when I sign on that it is not. My provider's house is not built on shifting sands. God is always able to meet my needs even if I shake my head when I see the bottom line on that account.
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