You have seen things like this before. I got this from my sister and it seemed so true. My granddaughter just started selling the Girl Scout cookies. Wouldn't that be a better project in May?
A few years ago we were in Orlando in January when they had cold weather. The thermometer dipped below freezing. You could sort the Floridians from the midwesterners by apparel. The Minnesotans brought shorts and wore them even if they were a little cold standing in line waiting for the parks to open. The locals had heavy jackets. The local news broadcast a "Baby Alert". Advice? DO NOT TAKE YOUR INFANTS OUTDOORS.
In Minnesota we still go outdoors when it is cold. It is bad form to leave your animals outside when it is -20.
Email on Minnesota and cold weather:
60 above zero:Floridians turn on the heat.People in Minnesota plant gardens.
50 above zero:Californians shiver uncontrollably.People in Duluth sunbathe.
40 above zero:Italian & English cars won't start.People in Minnesota drive with the windows down.
32 above zero:Distilled water freezes.The water in Bemidji gets thicker.
20 above zero:Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, and wool hats.People in Minnesota put on a flannel shirt.
15 above zero:New York landlords finally turn up the heat.People in Minnesota have the last cookout before it gets cold.Zero:All people in Miami die.Minnesotans close the windows.
10 below zero:Californians fly away to Mexico.People in Minnesota get out their winter coats.
25 below zero:Hollywood disintegrates.The Girl Scouts in Minnesota are selling cookies door to door.
40 below zero:Washington DC runs out of hot air.People in Minnesota let the dogs sleep indoors.
100 below zero:Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.Minnesotans put the extensions on their ice augers and go fishing.
460 below zero:ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero on the Kelvin scale.)People in Minnesota start saying..."Cold 'nuff fer ya?"
500 below zero:Hell freezes over.Minnesota public schools will open... .... 2 hours late.
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