Friday, March 28, 2008
Mistaken Identity

Thursday, March 27, 2008
St. Francis High School, Graduating Class 1963

Sunday, March 23, 2008
What Are You Hiding Heidi?
There is a picture of me looking innocent in my yearbook with the caption: "A face of innocence hides a lot of mischief". That would fit under this picture of Heidi, my in-laws wire haired daschshund. Husband Jon was recently in California to visit them. He emailed one day that they (Jon, his brother and wife) had visited his nephew. They took the two daschshunds to play with his son's dogs--three English bulldogs and a pit bull. The dogs got in a good fight. My response, 'What were they thinking? Taking those sweet dogs to play with pit bulls?' Jon's reply; the daschshunds did the attacking. All the adults ended up with scratches from trying to separate the dogs. Heidi, pictured above, has an innocent face but is full of mischief.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Test Yourself on This Puzzle

Happy Easter

While the glass was off the memory box, husband Jon picked up the 40 yr. old Ukranian Easter Egg I bought the first Easter we were married. It shattered in his hand.
Jon is tactile and has a history of touching everything and sometimes breaking things. Some examples: We stayed at a resort with the kids in the early 80's. The lounge had a trophy muskie mounted on a plaque over the fireplace. He reached to touch it and it came off the mounting. I left quickly. Another time we were shopping at Fleet Farm store and Jon picked up a can of oil-based furniture stain and shook it. The top was not on tight and shellac went everywhere. Again, I left quickly. We weren't even shopping for stain. I learned to make quick exits from going to museums with this guy. We frequently hear the museum guide announce, "No touching the exhibits, please". You would never know I was there with him. I keep my own pace and ignore him. He is just tactile. Last summer when our Chinese exchange student was here she did the same thing. Jon was excited and announced to me, "She is just like me. Tactile!". Whatever. I think more along the lines of naughty boy. I can still hear his mom telling him as an adult not to touch.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Tribute to Jon Hassler

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Slushie Day

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Not the Best and the Brightest

I heard today that Dr. Kevorkian is running for congress. At last, someone to put them out of their misery on capitol hill.
Do you think he has a lot of satisfied patients? Are there any left who can vote for him? Should he have thought of that before? I doubt he will use this mugshot on campaign posters.
New York's governor resigned in disgrace today. I can't imagine it taking a day or two to make that decision. What I don't understand is why his wife stood by him at the podium. What's the point? Show solidarity? Save his political career? What political future? Oh well, maybe Clinton and Ted Kennedy have given some wayward guys hope. I wouldn't have been standing there. Let him sweat. Let him squirm. I would be home working on my attitude. Forgiveness is important but not something you must do in public.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Small Town Life

Yesterday, there was an explosion of coal dust and resulting fire at the local power plant on the river. The plant is closed down for now. Thank God, there were no injuries.
This morning the online local news was about a truck that was too big getting stuck trying to cross our antiquated bridge. A.M. traffic was backed up two -three miles. This wouldn't be big news in LA, but it is in a town of 15,000.
Another local story in the past week related a police call to the local high school. It seems school officials found a student with a cigarette lighter in his pocket. Apparently this is contraband. They probably have security issues regarding fire or sneak smoking in mind, but this seemed pretty harsh. Our youngest thought high school rules were repressive. The school is built in a horseshoe shape. Students were not allowed to leave the building or cut across the courtyard to cross to the other wing. Hard to not go outdoors on those nice fall or spring days. He probably won't be surprised to hear they called the local police when they found a Bic lighter. I think I sound a little rebellious, but I did grow up in the 60's and dislike a heavy handed authority.
Well, it is life in a small town , right? The women's ministry at our church just started a ladies night out at Starbucks. Come for coffee. Bring a friend for a cup and a little teaching. When they publicized this, someone asked, "Which Starbucks?" We have four Starbucks in town now. I thought there were only two. Do you think this world is oversaturated with Starbucks?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Finding Lost Treasure

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Star and Stripes

The 2000 election was settled by 537 votes in Florida. How do you think the voters would react if it came down to who they chose to run in Puerto Rico? They could be deciding who the Democrat candidate is. Wonder if they have paper ballots with the possibility of hanging chads..... One thing, this election has it's entertaining side. Wonder if the two top contenders are brushing up on their Spanish. After stumping in snowy, cold, Ohio campaigning in Puerto Rico might be appealing.
Bakin' the Bacon

Medical bulletins and research often gives conflicting answers. This week I read I have an increased risk of dying from heart disease BECAUSE of my large wt. loss. I am counting on better news with the next release of results from a study. Maybe someone will endorse bacon as healthy food.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Terry Redlin

Mary Had a Little Lamb
Romancing the Plane

Do you remember the plane Indiana Jones flew on in the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? It was a Pan Am Clipper. I often wish we still had that plane in service when I fly coach with no leg room ( and no meals). They had couches, beds, full meals and room to roam on those huge planes. Today I booked an April flight to Boston to stay with my old roommate. I used frequent flyer miles and was delighted to get aisle seats. I thought NWA was putting a surcharge on aisle row seats.
The old clippers seemed like a romantic way to travel until I recently read my husband's uncle's memoirs. He was in Naval Intelligence in WW2 and spent time in Africa. He mentioned being stuck for two weeks waiting for the swell of the sea to level off at 6 feet so the Pan Am Clipper could take off. I guess there was a downside. Wouldn't that make a mess of scheduled air in the US today if some of the planes were backed up that far? One weather delay in the east goofs up the whole country and people miss connections, lose luggage etc.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Those Darn Cats

Have you ever seen the TV ads for "Fancy Feast" cat food? A silky white Persian green-eyed cat lives the life of luxury eating cat food from a crystal dish. It occured to me I am not a high upkeep cat. Named (plain) Jane, did my name dictate my destiny? Would life be different if I was Tiffany? Who knows. I have to admit I don't like wearing jeweley much, I lack good taste and do not have a discriminating palate for the finer things. A few days later the black and white picture of the "Barn Cat" was in the newspaper. The caption: With a direct pipeline to the source of supply behind him, the barnyard cat awaits his daily ration of milk, reclining regally on a straw bale on the Dave Larson farm..." Realization? It is okay to be a barn cat. I am well provided for and content and have entered into His rest. I am at rest with a direct link to the (divine) source of supply.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Name That Train