I have learned to be wary of medical bulletins, but heard one on the Today Show this morning that caught my attention. If you have "a toxic waste" by age 40 you are 89% more likely to develop dementia in later years. Oh, boy. A little later I found this picture of my graduating high school class. There was not list of names. I looked at the faces and found I could only identify seven of the girls! Qualifying that, this was a school that had about half of the students as boarders and drew from all the little surrounding towns. I did not go to school all my life with these people. I did know them after four years and was chagrined I could name so few. I have never been to a HS reunion and my parents moved from this town a few years after I graduated HS so... Still, I am amazed I can name so few. A couple years ago they held an all school reunion. I didn't go. I thought being mixed with people who graduated over decades would mean I probably would meet new people but not many of my classmates. It turns out they would have all been new to me. What every happened to regaining memory of your youth when you get old? Maybe I had better hit the next reunion and wear a sign around my neck saying, "I am Jane, class of '63 and see if I get any hits.
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