My brother in-law Mike noted, if someone starts a sentence with the phrase "Bless her (or his) heart, but..... " gossip or negative stuff is sure to follow. I guess we'feel the need to soften harsh comments or we want to feel better about gossiping.
I think I can share this because neither this friend or her family read my blog. An old friend recently stayed with us for a few days. We have shared a lot of good and bad times. Bless her heart, she is a warm, fun, energetic person but... she drives me crazy when I eat out at a restaurant with her. She is a waitress' worst nightmare.
Monday we had OUR LAST spring snowstorm. We had spent the afternoon with her sister and sister in-law playing cards. I called Jon to ask him to start dinner. Driving near our area, we found all the stop lights were out. No power. No power at home. No dinner. There was a favorite restaurant of hers that we had not been to. Good time to go. I called, and they said they had power. Come on down.
The name will change to protect the guilty. Sally started by asking for a dark beer. The waitress read the list of dark beers on tap. She wanted samples. Okay. Still acceptable.
In the background music softly played. Sally asked the waitress what CD was playing. She didn't know. "Could you look?" she said. The waitress tried only to say there were six CDs on the stack and she didn't know which one it was. Not deterred, Sally asked if she could try to find out what that song was that was playing. Another trip for the waitress. The answer was negative. No one knew. Are you getting the picture?
Next Sally asked if there were any CDs of this German music for sale. The waitress came back with a CD of German music. The price $12. About what you would pay anywhere. By now Jon and I cannot make eye contact. The CD is German music sponsored by the Paulaner Beer Co. I think the waitress knows this game. Possible this was a freebie from the beer distributor? No way this customer is getting it free!
We ordered appetizers. Sally wanted herring. We didn't share. We hate herring. She got the "doggie bag". The dish had been garnished with apples which she had eaten. She asked for more apple slices for the take home portion.
We ordered dinner. More substitutions. More requests. She had the waitress take a couple pictures of us. I try to "group my requests" of the waitstaff. Sally will ask for more bread. When that comes she asks for more butter. She wants lemon in her water. When that comes she wants more salad dressing etc. Wears them out. None of this behaviour is wrong. We all do some of it some of the time. Sally does all of it all of the time.
I don't usually have soup when I dine with her. Don't want to get the bowl the waitor spit in. Did I mention we always overtip our waitor/waitress?
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