John Q Public is outraged about inflated bonuses paid to executives of failing corporations that are surviving with taxpayer money. Didn't congress know they would pay the bonuses? Didn't one experienced senator guarantee they would get their bonuses?
I got a tongue-in-cheek mass emailing this week that suggested the Feds offer everyone over 50 yrs. of age a million to retire. This proposal would cost less than the stimulus packages we have already doled out.
Jobs would open for the unemployed.
Diminished retirement accounts would be fattened.
A provision to receive the money would be that the recipient bought either a foreclosed house or an American made car thereby solving the oversupply of houses and unsold cars. A stimulus package many would feel good about, right?
That Washington group is probably as guilty as the Wallstreeters. Don't they get perks taxpayers pay for? I don't hold politicians in higher esteem than the financier gangs. There is a new guy who talks some sense we might want to line up behind and follow. See what you think.
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