I'd bet most Chicagoans still say Marshall Fields instead of Macy. Now they find the Sears Tower has been sold and will be renamed Willys Towers. What next? Juicy Fruit Field?
Naming rights to raise funds has been a growing concern. We have Target Center and Target Field is being built for the Twins to play baseball outdoors. The U of MN got a big donation to name their new football stadium. It is getting harder to follow which team they are talking about when they broadcast from the different ball parks around the nation. Many have new stadiums with corporate names that don't identify the place.
Recently the Vikings team made another pitch for a new stadium. Currently the Vikings, Twins and MN Gophers share rent on the HHH Metrodome. Stadiums for the Twins and Gophers are under construction. I guess the Vikings feel left out. Vikings management suggested we think of building them a stadium as a stimulus to local economy. Think of all the construction jobs. (Don't think of the billion dollar price.) Since the Vikings usually self-destruct at the end of each season there hasn't been a lot of good will to build them fancier digs.
Like you, I am sick of hearing about the "Octomom". The woman seems like an idiot, but one can't help but feel concern for her children, although not enough concern for me to send a donation. I have ambivalent feelings. I hopes she finds a way to care for and feed them but I am not responsible. Then...viola! An idea. Naming rights. Why hasn't anyone thought of that? There are eight kids. Lots of possibilities. Maybe she could even lend her pseudonym (Octomom) to a sequel to that James Bond movie. Lots of possibilities for childrens names: Victoria- sponsorerd by the lingerie store.
Wally, by the world's largest retailer. Might even get some diapers from them.
Macy is a neat name.
How about Olympia? It might offset some of the bad publicity one of their heroes created.
Even Bernie Madoff might tell where he buried the money for a little image improvement.
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