It is the first day of June. I was assured it was near because I have been stepping on dead June bugs on my morning walks. June bugs. Those big, crunchy beetles that crash into your screen in June if you leave a light on by a window after dark. June bugs. The bugs that gather by your porch light in June. They gross me out.
June. Warm days and enough rain for the grass to stay green in Minnesota.
There are 30 days in the month and summer still seems plum-full.
Recently planted tomato plants offer hope of a sweet harvest.
Kids are still in school on June 1st but getting restless.
Churches are planning vacation bible school and parents are planning road trips. Community leaders are shoring up festival plans.
High school band leaders are practicing with their marching bands in their lightweight uniforms. A few of them will still wear hot, long sleeved uniforms in summer parades. Some of those kids will faint from heat exhaustion and see the inside of ERs. Hello band leaders. It is cheaper to put the kids in tee-shirts than to pay the hospitals. That is just free advice.
I haven't heard of any newborn girls named June. When I was gainfully employed I would monitor the names of kids in the nursery. The old names come back. I cringed when I saw a baby with a great-grandpa name but those names quickly grow on a person. The trend is for unique names. How about using June?
My generation grew up with actress June Lockhart playing Lassie's mom. Well, she wasn't really Lassie's mom. Lassie was a TV dog. June Lockhart played the mom on the TV show. I believe she was typecast as the dog's mom.
The sixties had Barbara Billingsley cast as character June Cleaver, the mom in popular series "Leave it to Beaver". We all loved The Beaver and his mom who dispensed love and brownies in high heels and a shirtwaaist dress while she cleaned the house. Then Betty Freidan wrote that book and my whole generation equated baking brownies, cleaning your house in high heels and being a stay-at-home mom as suspect. We didn't name our daughters June.
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