We have a wood stack but the picture is not our wood stack. It came from the internet and reminds me of those perfectly stacked woodpiles in Germany and Austria. Perfection. Do you think they use a piece of plywood to line up the ends? I digress...
This morning Jon said, "I think someone has been stealing our wood." We cut down two trees last year and have ranks of wood behind the garage and under the deck. The pile seems to have shrunk. Probably was tempting to someone for a campfire. We turned on our motion sensing light again and hope that will help. It didn't seem to be effective today scaring away the moths that set it off. You can guess why we turn it off.
A short time later I made a shocking discovery. The gnarley oak in the park directly across the street from us looks like it has oak wilt disease. There are many branches suddenly is dead, brown leaves. This isn't good news. The disease spreads by the root system and we may be close enough to have it infect our huge backyard oak. This oak overhangs our deck and shades our house and yard. Our neighbor has two large oaks closeby. I was sick thinking we might lose these trees. Sick for the loss of shade and the cost. In the worst case we would really have a big woodpile if that happens. On second thought, that wood would be banished to prevent spread of the disease. I'm praying for that tree.
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