Jon's longtime best buddy just left for the airport. Dave and Jon lived a few houses away from each other since they were children and have maintained their friendship over sixty years. At least once during the fishing season Dave flies in from Manchester, NH and they head 250 miles straight up the map of Minnesota to lakes that actually have fish. There are walleye in those cold border lakes.
He expected to pick his friend up at the airport late last Saturday evening. Those plans hit a snafu when a late flight caused him to miss his connecting flight from Philadelphia. Dave couldn't catch a flight on to Minneapolis that night and went back to Manchester to try again the next day. His luggage had other plans. It was on vacation flying solo. The dilema: If airlines lose your luggage, they will have it sent out by courier when it arrives. Give them an address where it is to be delivered. He planned to fly into Minneapolis and then immediately drive "up north" to a house on a sparcely populated lake in the boundary waters. What directions would you give the airline? Deliver it to the yellow cabin in the grove of trees past the hangman's rock around the corner from the big island on the third lake? Do it by boat? We are talking remote here. We are talking about luggage with fishing gear, warm clothes, rain gear and everything you need for a week in the back country. This is not a street address or a hotel.
With all the criticism of airlines, nickel and dime extra charges, late departures and arrivals, no food, (not even munchies), disgruntled staff, cancelled flights etc., this airline got it right. As soon as Dave realized he wasn't getting out of Philadelphia he tried to find his luggage. I believe tighter homeland security procedures dictate the bags should be taken off the flight if the passenger isn't on the plane to prevent bombs sent in luggage. Well they broke that rule. He explained that his prescription medication was in the suitcase and it was imperative it be located. The next morning when he arrived in Minneapolis he went to the baggage claim area. When he asked airline employees about it they immediately located it. It had indeed received special handling. Several employees came over and had heard the "APB" from Philly to look for the bag. It was specially wrapped, tagged, and handled with care. They were gracious and glad to have found the owner.
Every time we travel I hand carry medication. Jon has a lot of pills and gets special scrutiny. Maybe putting them in checked luggage is not so bad. He got royal treatment. I wondered how things would go if I packed one of those little red and white coolers that Red Cross transports transplant organs? I bet they don't lose those. Maybe the Red Cross doesn't check them in the belly of the plane either.
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