I went with Mary yesterday to the clinic just to weigh the little darlings and see how much they have grown. Both weighed in at 8# 3 oz. Amazing growth. I guess they are twins. Do you know someone asked me if they were identical AFTER I had said they were a boy and a girl?
Zoe and Roman were born six weeks early at 5# 6oz and 5# 5oz. They were a good size for their age but had a little struggle with maturity of the lungs. Now both are thriving which is an answer to prayer and the result of good parenting and medical care. I am thankful every morning for this kidlets and love the little snugglebunnies dearly.
We live in a great country. I do have a heavy heart that many don't see all children as a blessing to be loved. There are too many abused children. How can a heart be so hard as to harm a child? There are also many who have hardened their hearts to accept or practice wiping out the life of the unborn. Are children more valuable just because their mom wants them? Is there not a racist streak that wants to do away with unborn minority babies so they are not a drain on the welfare system? How did we get to this point? Why do we nuture and save babies in a crisis like Zoe and Roman and legally allow partial birth abortion at the same age? Partial birth abortion works by forcing a sharp instrument into the base of the brain of the partially born baby to kill it. No pain control. Only the intent to kill the nuisance. It could have been legally done to my grandkids the day they were born. It should make us think.
We have a copy of the series "Band of Brothers" about a troup of soldiers in WW2. The most poignant scene is the soldiers liberating a concentration camp near the end of the war. They are sickened by the scene of dead and starving, emaciated prisoners. There are heaps of the naked dead in piles. Our soldiers enlisted the local civilians to help bury the dead. The locals were overcome and said they did not know what was going on. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe they did not want to be involved. Maybe they thought the Gypsies, Jews, protestors, handicapped, mentally impaired and homosexuals were a drain on their society. Maybe they just didn't want to think about it. Maybe if we ignore what is going on in our country we will carry the same guilt.
If we claim to be humanitarians we should question how good a humanitarian we are to allow this killing to be sanctioned. Many have allowed abortion because it is safer for the mother. It is. It is also totally unsafe for the child. We do not need to judge people who have had abortions when they felt desperate. We need to inspire people and help them. We need to look to common ground to prevent sexual promiscuity and unwanted pregnancies. We need to love people. All people--the born and unborn. We need to keep this in mind when we vote next week.
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