Frankenstein was a horror story. Al Franken and Norm Coleman's senate race political commercials are another kind of horror. The race has become nasty. Ads are nasty from both sides.
As I write this I am listening to the radio. They are saying the third party senatorial candidate, an independent, is rising in the polls without running commercials or spending money. The cause? Most people are sick of the mud slinging and reject both of the guys slinging mud and look to a third choice. It breaks down to about a 1/3 or the population committed to each major party. 1/3 remain uncommitted. These bozos are not winning our votes.
Every time I get an email full of false claims or hear a nasty ad I am one step closer to voting for the other guy or looking for a third choice. Minnesota would not be in such bad shape having an independent senator. He would be courted by the other parties for his vote. Maybe he could get us a new bridge in Stillwater. Oink, oink, oink.
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