Greenland is melting and Iceland has frozen assets. AIG is broke but their executives seem to be keeping their spirits up by a refreshing time at a California spa. There are problems with gas distribution in Atlanta and some of our oil drilling platforms in the Gulf were destroyed in hurricane Ike but gas is selling for $2.99 at our local station. Banks are failing but I haven't heard any bad news about US Bank where our daughter in law works. Western nations are experiencing major financial upsets and Russia has shored some up with petrodollars. TV / radio nasty mudslinging ads are abounding but at least someone is willing to run for office. I can't imagine why. I'll bet life in Crawford, TX never sounded so good to the Bushes.
Bad news and more bad news probably leaves many people wanting to go back to bed and pull the covers over their heads. Yesterday I listened to a radio talk show talk about the stock market. One expert advised buying Caterpillar stock. (Is anyone buying?) He said it was solid. My mood was a little dark and I thought buying stock in pharmaceuticals might be a better plan. See who makes Valium, Xanax and the most common antidepressants and buy their stock.
We could use an FDR right now. We could use someone to soothe the public fear. Doesn't it seem likely that the slide south in our stock market is based on fear? Isn't that making it worse? "We have nothing to fear but fear itself". Consoling words spoken by FDR to a reeling world decades ago. Still true. We have a friend who looked at the bright side of this mess and said, "Now my kids will be able to afford to buy a house". You have to look for the silver lining.
God's word says, "Fear is useless. What is needed is trust". Trust whom? Trust the creator of the universe. He made it all without financing, advisory committees, computors or help. If you believe it all just happened, you will have trouble finding comfort. He still lives and waits to hear from us. My favorite scripture is James 4:8. "Draw closer to God, and he will draw closer to you". Might be time to hear a little less bad news on the telly and a little more good news from the one who watches over sparrows. He waits on our first move toward him.
Bad news and more bad news probably leaves many people wanting to go back to bed and pull the covers over their heads. Yesterday I listened to a radio talk show talk about the stock market. One expert advised buying Caterpillar stock. (Is anyone buying?) He said it was solid. My mood was a little dark and I thought buying stock in pharmaceuticals might be a better plan. See who makes Valium, Xanax and the most common antidepressants and buy their stock.
We could use an FDR right now. We could use someone to soothe the public fear. Doesn't it seem likely that the slide south in our stock market is based on fear? Isn't that making it worse? "We have nothing to fear but fear itself". Consoling words spoken by FDR to a reeling world decades ago. Still true. We have a friend who looked at the bright side of this mess and said, "Now my kids will be able to afford to buy a house". You have to look for the silver lining.
God's word says, "Fear is useless. What is needed is trust". Trust whom? Trust the creator of the universe. He made it all without financing, advisory committees, computors or help. If you believe it all just happened, you will have trouble finding comfort. He still lives and waits to hear from us. My favorite scripture is James 4:8. "Draw closer to God, and he will draw closer to you". Might be time to hear a little less bad news on the telly and a little more good news from the one who watches over sparrows. He waits on our first move toward him.
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