Monday morning started early. When I awoke at 6:30 Jon was already on the phone talking to an operator at Capitol One applying for a new credit card. He signaled me to stay put as she would have to speak to me as well. After a few minutes he handed me the phone. She was from South Africa and spoke in a heavily accented speech. After a brief greeting that went something like, "Hello Jane, I need to verify some personal information Jane she said 'OH' and then sounded very fluxomed. She said her program had crashed and would "you please hold Jane?" Jon was standing by to take the phone back and I couldn't resist a little razzing. I proceeded to say into the phone, "No, I have never heard of this guy". Next, I said "Oh him, he has a lousy credit rating!" His eyes were getting bigger and a puzzled look crossed his face." I laughed and whispered that I was on hold. Fun way to start a day.
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