Wow. Today is the kind of day that helps you to remember why you are living in this zone. It is sunny with a clear blue sky and the inch of fresh snow we had yesterday is still dusting the pines. It is briskly cold, a -5 degrees but without wind and very tolerable with warm clothes. When I pushed the trash can down the drive to the curb this morning I could feel and hear the snow crunching under my feet. It is too cold to melt. Just cold enough to feel like a nice winter day. I hate gray skies. I can take -20 briefly if there is no wind.
First order of business today was doing laps at the fieldhouse. I had walked about 10 or 15 minutes when a friend I used to work with arrived. We walk at the same pace and kept going until I had done an hour. Time goes fast when you are engaged in conversation. After an hour I felt like I wanted to keep going. Think I had the dopamine circulating and had hit a high. When I got home I added a scarf and gloves and did the 3/4 mile circle around our "block". This reminded me of how I felt when I used to cross-country ski. You actually enjoy the cold and snow and when you move enough to get that high. I quit a few years ago when I fell and hurt my shoulder. I became leary of skiing alone on trails where I might get hurt and be alone. Cell phone coverage is spotty in the countryside around here. I gave my skis away. Maybe next year I will acquire another pair of skis and look for someone to go with. Excellent exercise and it sure makes winter more fun. I can do this!
PS. It has been 3 weeks. Still on the routine, but have to argue with the evil twin when I want to do some recreational eating. So far, the good twin is winning. Wish me luck.
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