I just listened to a piece on public radio about American "Nip-Tuck" tourists going to South Africa for a Plastic Surgery Safari. Surgery and aftercare are cheap in South Africa. We are out-sourcing our surgical procedures. They described surgery there as 1st world surgery with a 3rd world price. Patients/customers have the surgery, are prescribed potent painkillers and then continue on to see large game on a safari. When they come home some tell their friends that the restful trip did them a lot of good when people notice a face free of wrinkles and sagging skin.
Besides vanity, many people undergoing gastric bypass need a tummy tuck or whole body lift. The body shrinks, but not the skin. Insurance won't pay, so traveling to a cheaper venue and combining it with a vacation is an option. I lost 80+ Lbs. and understand this thinking. My midriff bulge is still there. Thanks to Curves I have good abs but they are slathered in buttery fat! It would be so nice to have a surgeon deal with it instead of me. Maybe there are other options. I remember a Seinfeld episode where Kramer went to a vet for pills to cure his cough. It was cheaper. Googling found me this vets poster online. They do dental care and laser procedures. Surely Botox couldn't be too hard for a vet. I worked with a local Dr. who was a vet before becoming a medical doctor. He did hair transplants. The other option, and I will probably scandalize you with this suggestion, is to combine plastic surgery and a mission trip to Africa. There is a lot of need for volunteer medical personnel in the bush. It would be a win/win deal. Mission trip travel is tax deductable. I can feel God looking over my shoulder as I type this with displeasure. Skip that last idea. The vets office has possibilities though.
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