I was cooking dinner when I heard an expletive expressing disagreement from my husband. He was talking to the newscaster on TV's national evening news. Brian Williams was leading into a story of the cold in the heartland by saying everything had come to a halt in Minnesota. Really? The reporter on location reported Minnehaha Falls had frozen over. Guess what. That falls is frozen every winter when temps dip below +32 degrees. It is winter.
Local schools opened two hours late today. Many schools outstate closed due to -35 to -50 windchills but Minnesotans continue on in most activities. My husband believes the media hypes stories looking for the sensational slant. He has that impression after spending time filming in Alaska during the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
While the national news thinks Minnesota is shut down, the local news lead with a story about two people winning $10,000 for finding the St. Paul Winter Carnival medallion. Every year during the Winter Carnival people search for a hockey puck sized medal hidden in a public park. They chip through ice, dig up snow and spend long hours outside. Last night is was painfully cold outside with a brisk wind. Over one hundred people continued to look for the medallion until it was found at midnight.
I think the national media underestimates some of us. They didn't underestimate me. We went out for dinner last evening to celebrate my son's birthday and then quickly retreated to a warm house.
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