Wrestling even looked phony years ago. I remember my mom saying someone had told her they went to a professional wrestling match where the guys went at it like they wanted to kill each other. The spectator then saw the opponents leave together to go out to eat after the match. It was a show. It was business. It was their job, but they did not carry animosity toward each other when out of the ring.
Our legislative branch used to operate like those wrestlers. They hotly debated bills and verbally fought each other. Civility remained. They showed respect. They did lunch afterwards. They socially interacted. I heard one pundit say laws forbidding the two martini lunches or accepting gifts over a small amount have changed the way lawmakers do business. These social meetings smoothed over ruffled feathers and made it possible to compromise. More bills were hammered out at the local steakhouse after sessions. They needed to be civil. They needed to show respect.
I think we should bring back the dinner meetings. Let them do lunch. I am not endorsing any candidates in this writing. I just think we should consider that all of them enter politics wanting to do the right thing. All think their views are right. Sure, there is the power thing, but at some level they want to lead others in the proper direction. It is our job to carefully screen these candidates and chose the most qualified.
Polls last year revealed a flagging job approval for congress. Their approval rating is in the teens. As a group they are reviled. Individually they are admired. Many of our current crop of candidates are from this elite body. People disapprove of congress but also say they like their own senator or representative. Isn't that strange. These are the same people. One might wonder how this could be. Do we dislike the people or the way they relate?
If you have ever drivin in Jamaica you will remember the VW bug sized potholes in some of the roads. This happens when one district did not vote for the current administration. The new politicians do not allot funds to that districts' infrastructure maintainance. We have a tradition of "pork barrel bills" in our country. Senators pay back colleagues for their support on one bill by voting for money to flow to the other's district. This has been a motivator in getting them to cooperate with each other. I don't think it is the best motivator. The motivation should be that they are Americans who love their country and want to do the right thing. A lively debate is good. Pressuring others to see their viewpoint is still good. Hating each other and retreating to our camp to fight is what the Iraqi government is doing. We can do better. I say "Do lunch".
Work on the big problems of illegal immigration, healthcare needs, economic downturns and our own security. Treat each other as colleagues and not the enemy.
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