My Cribbage group is finally meeting to play cards tomorrow. Last year we managed to get together almost every other week. One friend goes "up north" for the summer. We never managed to get back on schedule in the fall. Three times I have called and arranged to play cards. Three times we had to cancel for someone to attend a funeral or some other morbid reason. I felt like I had a black cloud above my head and sat back waiting for someone to take the lead. This week Loralei initiated plans. They decided to meet at my house. That is okay. I have always offered to host here since I like in the middle.
When I was growing up we always played cards. My parents played 500 with friends. We learned to play poker when we were kids. If I recall there are many variations of that game. The only one you hear about now is the popular Texas Hold'em. I must have lead a degenerate life as a child. No money changed hands except occasionally a few pennies. I only got in trouble once. When I was quite young my paternal grandmother came for a visit and I asked her if she wanted to play cards. She declined. My mom took me aside and explained that grandma's religion forbade card playing. It also forbade drinking and I think my dad had strayed from what he was taught as a youngster. Sorry grandma. Maybe she prayed extra hard for us after that. It is always good to have grandmas concerned about your welfare.
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