I have been looking at old pictures of my mom's family lately while beginning plans for the family reunion. This photo must have been taken shortly before my grandma died at age 39. She is holding her youngest, my uncle Jerry, who looks to be about one yr old. He was two when she died.
My mom, Vivian, is #7. Both my sister and I have told each other lately that the other one resembles mom as we get older. I can see my sister in this picture.
Mom used to say she hated New Year's Day when she was growing up. That is when the Belisle clan gathered at the holidays. She had to kiss all her uncles. You were kisssed twice, once on each cheek. We don't do that much in this country except for the Hollywood air kisses you see on TV.
There were some great first names among this bunch. Note: Uncle Armand, Uncle Fleury, Uncle Henry... I think there was an Uncle Amable and I remember Uncle Narcissus on the Parnell side. Pictures of Grandpa's Parnell clan show a bunch of rakishly good looking young Parnell men. Some of them were pretty interesting guys if I remember mom's stories correctly.
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