We are in a winter wonderland in Minnesnowta. A couple of inches of fresh snow fell overnight covering the spruce tree branches and freshening the landscape. That is a positive spin on winter. It is cold and December kicked in overnight and we are still adjusting.
If you were raised in a region with a real winter you may miss it at Christmas. We know people who visit the midwest to experience snowy holidays. My sister and brother in-law have never said she missed the snow, but these Texans are on a European adventure now. They are on a cruise ship on the river Danube which stops everyday in a different town so they can tour and shop the Christmas (outdoor) markets. The cruise originated in Vienna, an elegant way to start a tour. Austrian winters are snowy but not as cold as Minnesota except in the Alps. Our rivers freeze over and the cruise boats here are idle December to May.
Jon and I drove along the Danube a few years ago starting in Melk, Austria and I thought it would be wonderful to return on a bike trip in the spring. If you come from our state you are less inclined to visit another snowy country in the winter. Our springtime is short and we usually long to go somewhere a little warmer in March or April.
Picture: husband Jon by the blue Danube.
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