For all our talk about global warming and a balmy Minnesota November, reality has arrived. It is shivery cold this morning. I compensated by snuggling with my blankie and reading the morning paper while sipping the first cup of coffee.
I always glance at the obituaries to see if anyone I know has died. You would think that would happen with increasing frequency at my age. No, since I retired from nursing I no longer see the names of patients who have died.
One obituary caught my eye this morning. It starts, "Hey, when you know it's time, you can write your own obit!" You can chose your own picture and graciously thank everyone who has blessed your life. After reading the auto-obit I noticed something
was missing...her age. Since she thanks her co-workers of 31 years I am also wondering if she used her Facebook photo. I didn't know this woman but feel a kinship.
On the same page of the paper is a feature called "Faith Notes". I scanned it looking for a possible Christmas musical performance we could attend.
The first listing is for a retreat, "Unplugging the Christmas Machine: Simplicity in Advent and Christmas". That sounds interesting but it is in Eau Claire, WI which is 90 miles away and it wouldn't simplify my life to drive that far.
The second workshop that I noticed, "Transcending Life as a Duck". Sounds interesting too, but dangerous. Isn't it still duck hunting season? It is held at the Institute of Himalayan Tradition and not exactly what I am looking for. Still, you have to wonder how this class managed to be nestled among all the Christmas chorals and performances of Handel's Messiah.
There is a third possibility titled, "Theology and a Pint" at O'Gara's Bar and Grill.
It is about understanding the incarnation of Jesus. I think it is more in the Irish tradition. These people attracted to this meeting would never be contemplating life as a duck.
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