Saturday, March 31, 2007


The devil's advocate is an ominous title. I have understood it's meaning as one who argues the other side, but this week I learned the origin of the phrase while watching Jeopardy. In the Catholic church, during proceedings to canonize someone as a Saint, someone proposes reasons why that person should be canonized. Another person has the role of "Devil's Advocate" to argue against the proposed evidence. I never knew that.

You have heard and read about my efforts to trim down. Sometimes I have talked about the "bad twin" who tells me to eat unhealthy or overeat. Do you think I have been playing devil's advocate? Time to unmask that voice and stop listening although I must admit it has been easier. I am not on a diet. Diets have starting and stopping points. I am just following a healthier lifestyle that will continue on. I guess that in itself is a miracle and I am grateful for abundant grace. I am also grateful for accountability and the support you have given me. No more secrets. Hold it up to the light.

To continue with my BB link. Scroll way down to the bottom of the column and see the Web site of the day.

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