Today while walking with my friend Judy at the fieldhouse she called my attention to the shoes of a man walking ahead of us. The heel of the shoe had a coiled exposed spring built in. We noted that would surely put some spring in his step. Judy remarked, "I'll bet that would work well if you had heel problems".
I just sat down to google "picture + shoes with springs" thinking I could show you what I saw. No luck. I got many links to spring shoes, shoes with spring( Croc's Rx diabetic shoes made from molded rubber with holes to give you springy action) and my favorite---the vegetarian shoe. I guess they are made without killing any animals. I don't think they are named vegetarian because they are edible. Ebay has listings of shoes with springs. Some are for Hondas and some Toyota brand. The pictures lead me to believe these are for your car's brakes and not what a cobbler would sell .
I am a firm believer you can acquire almost any answer by googling. The shoes this guy wore he did not buy off the rack at Nordstrom. I will now have to keep searching for the source, or perhaps I could just go back tomorrow and ask him where he got those shoes. You could use your imagination while looking at the picture above and envision a stronger, more compact spring in the heel of a shoe.
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