I can't say I know much about Fred Thompson, but I did see him on The Tonight Show last night announcing he was running for president. I am not familiar with many of his positions, but he said something that endeared him to me in Leno's interview. Asked if it was a handicap coming in late to the race, (is 14 months really late?), his (paraphrased) response was: Politicians are like dentists. People do not like to see too much of them. The guy has a sense of humor or good writers. I'll take either. My husband thinks an actor is the ideal candidate. It worked for Ronnie.
Things to consider with Fred's entrance:
1. The tallest guy usually wins. He is 6'6".
2. We do like actors. After Ronald Reagan's popularity many will automatically trust a guy who played the role of president three times.
3. Being divorced and raising a second family no longer has the stigma it once has. Even the church is full of people who have similar backgrounds. Look at some other remarried candidates, Bob Dole, John McCain, and Rudy is on #3. Newt has an interesting track record with women and Bill Clinton is still popular although he didn't marry all of his daliances.
4. Fred is #2 and hasn't spent any money yet, while some early out of the gate have gone through fortunes. I think when they have polled Americans, "none of the above" has been ahead of most of the others.
5. He probably doesn't spend $400 on haircuts.
6. I don't think he has written any books about it taking the village to raise a child.
7. He was a low profile senator. The approval rating of congress is 14%. We are not crazy about those politicians (except our own reps) and maybe no one will remember him being there. He did not like the senate either according to the bio this week in Newsweek.
8. With so many candidates in both major parties the constant exposure over a long period is sure to trip some up with words they wish they could take back. Nuclear bombs in Pakistan?
How many ways to say "I was hoodwinked into voting for the war?"
The guy who waits might have an advantage of not shooting himself/herself in the foot. To think Howard Dean could have been at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. if the video cameras had not been rolling. It doesn't matter what you plan to do as long as you can weasel out of stating it before the election.
9. We are concerned about security and most Americans still trust the Law and Order candidate. Seems like watching Fred will be interesting because I don't like dentists or politicians very much. Bring on the actors but act nice pleases. This will only go on for the next fourteen months until we get a few days' break before the 2010 election begins.
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