We watched the network evening news yesterday and again I had to shake my head in dismay as they did another segment of non-essential "news". It seems talk show host Ellen Degeneres had an emotional meltdown on her show yesterday. She had adopted a dog from an agency. The dog didn't work out with her cats and she placed the dog with her hairdresser's family. The agency repossessed the dog because she had broken her contract when she gave the dog away. This distressed her so much that she could not compose herself to do the show without sobbing and pleading for the agency to give the dog back. Arn't you glad you are privledged to that "news"?
I don't think Walter Cronkite or the Huntley-Brinkley team of years ago would have done that story on the evening news. No wonder audiences are fleeing to cable. We don't have cable, so my only refuge is watching the BBC World News at 10pm on local public television. You become aware how trite our network news coverage is when you watch the BBC. They actually cover news from around the world and do not dwell on sensational pop-star drivel.
I do miss you Walter and I can't imagine you sobbing on air about your lost dog. I can't imagine you reporting a TV commedienne sobbed about a lost dog either. Maybe that is why you were called, "The most trusted man in America".
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