Sunday, August 31, 2008
It Could Be a Big Blow to Two Towns
That would be a disappointment here, but the real disaster would be in the coastal cities. This warning will be heeded. People are evacuating, but another great property loss would probably doom future rebuilding. In this part of the country the land would be designated a flood plane and left fallow. Isn't that reasonable? This choice seems practical to those not personally involved, but must be devastating if that is your home.
So many people have generously poured their sweat, flexed muscles and donated money to help rebuild after Katrina. Our church and many others sent work crews and funds to help. Tough, determined people have rebuilt and resettled only to be threatened again with wind and water. Our hearts and prayers are with them. We pray this storm lesssens and they are spared.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Anxiously Awaiting Tuesday November 4th
We don't know their names yet. One boy. One girl. With a possibility of an election day birthday, how about Sarah Jo and John Barach? I don't think that will fly.
Today we are going to a barbeque/shower hosted by friends and Mike's aunt and mom for the babies.
This is what I put on our gift:
Little A and Little B
Welcome kids to the family.
Mike & Mary thought they’d be 3
Adding one bambino to the family tree.
What a surprise when the Dr. said “two”
We’ve watched mom’s tummy as you grew and grew
I’ve seen you on ultrasound, it’s twins –it’s true
Election Day, November 4th, is when you‘re due.
Daddy and mommy are preparing the way
To welcome you here on your birthday
The nursery is painted, the layette put away
A safe delivery –the grandparents will pray.
I Like Her Glasses

I did some homework on the web reading about Sarah Palin and watching her speech on You tube. My conservative brother in law seems to approve. She seems to meet the approval of Dobson and Limbaugh who remarked , "We have a babe on the ticket". Rush said that, not Dr. Dobson. No wonder Hillary and him don't get along.
I am glad to see a woman in the mix. This past week I figured McCain would pick a woman. I guessed the wrong woman. I also figured our governor was not from a state with enough votes. Wrong there. Alaska has a smaller population. This was an effort to appease conservatives and balance the ticket. She is a beauty and I like her glasses. She looks like Hollywood's choice as the first female president. I always thought if we had a female president we might have less war. Less testosterone=more diplomacy. I'm not sure about this gun-totin' mama and will reserve judgment until I am better informed.
Tim Pawlenty had charm, youth, social conservatism and more administrative experience than Gov. Palin. Was he passed over because he was a man? Has anyone cried "Sexism"? Gives one pause. There are now more women who attend college. Can it be long before men have minority status in power positions? Will men's support groups thrive? Should I be concerned about my grandsons' future?
If Minnesotans don't have a governor in the race, we will have to focus on our senatorial campaign. Mr. Franken and Sen.Coleman are slinging mud already. This is more than a local race. It is about the balance in the senate. While both major parties are pouring money and ideas into our senate election, they had better keep an eye on Dean Barkley. He is running as an Independent candidate for senator. Barkley was the campaign manager for our illustrous former Gov. Ventura. They grew the third party quietly garnering independent voters. They showcased Jesse as a cheeky independent--a third choice. They beat Norm Coleman in that race. Ventura has sulked away and lives in the Baja region of Mexico. Barkley went on to manage Kinky Freidman's Texas campaign. He didn't promote that guy as well. Maybe Texans are more savy. Maybe they liked their first two choices on the ticket. Maybe Minnesotans don't and you will hear more from Mr. Barkley. Time to watch those independent voters.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Home Alone

Jon will be home alone. Not a bad thing to have the house to yourself for a day. He already told me he plans to cut the grass. I told him not to. Too wet. There is a soggy corner in our yard and we had 2.5 inches of rain yesterday. When he uses the riding mower, which he will, it leaves deep ruts. I guess I am a control freak. He can figure it out by himself.
Hope I don't get a call to bail him out of jail. The squirrels who raid our bird feeder have been getting his goat. We have hummingbirds and lots of goldfinches at those feeders and a few big, plump-tailed leaping rodents. When Jon spots them he reaches for the BB gun. I cringe. Not legal in town and what about the neighbor's cats who slink around back there? Still he continues to take pot shots at those squirrels. I don't know if they learn from hearing BBs whiz by their heads. I don't think the gun is true enough to hit anything. A couple days ago I thought I heard him chasing one around the house and shooting. I was wrong. He only does it from the deck. Just call him Bwana. Great White Hunter. Score so far: Jon -- 0. Squirrels--a lot of nice snacks. I'm not sure anyone can win in a head to head match with them. So far the cats look healthy.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Out on a Limb

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Leftovers - Poe-purr-e - Things to Ponder

Grand Old Appartchiks

We saw a giant snow gauge on the Keneenaw Peninsula in MI last week and took a picture. A couple of days ago I blogged about it and inserted the picture. I thought I had coined a new word calling it a snowmometer. Wrong. After Googling that I found many have referred to giant snow measuring sticks as snowmometers.
Today’s morning Pioneer Press has a story about Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s adventures in Pennsylvania. The article refers to “Republican appartchiks.” I had never heard the term appartchik” and reached for the dictionary. Webster defines an appartchik as a member of a Communist apparat.
Joe McCarthy may come out of his grave. Linking the GOP with a Communist movement? McCarthy was a member of the Grand Old Party. Now is his reputation safe as a fighter of Communism?
Now that I know the meaning of appartchik and snowmometer I may become a better Scrabble player although one only has seven letters to make a Scrabble word. Perhaps I can add on to an existing word. Would I be challenged by the other players? I don’t think snowmometer is in the dictionary –yet.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Here Come Da Judge
I'm Sirius. The Times, They are a Changing -or- Looking For My Misplaced Youth

Remember when everyone drank free water from the tap?
Remember predictions of every home having a computer and wondering what you would do with one? Keep recipes on file?
We may be adding remember free radio to that list in the future.
Our new car came with satellite radio. It has a cute little fin above the rear window that is the antenna. A three month free trial subscription to Sirius-XM radio came with the car. I eyed this suspiciously. A distraction. I am the primary driver of the car, but figured my husband would have that and his new portable GPS taking his eyes off the road, not to mention the car doesn’t have a cigarette lighter so now he uses both hands to light his cigarette while he drives the car. How long do you think we will keep this car wrinkle free?
I am a nag. I admit it. I frequently remind him it is the family who decides how long your keep your keys and license as you age. Yesterday I ran local errands and found myself constantly fiddling with the radio myself. So many choices. My keys may be the first to be confiscated. I found a favorite station and hate to admit what it is. SBXM Café. Spelled out, that is “Starbucks Café”. It is under the rock genre and plays a nice variety of newer bluesy, folksy music, but liking Starbucks Cafe puts me in the league with soccer mom minivan drivers.
We found Bob Dylan’s radio show on XM last week. It is called Theme Time Radio Hour and we loved it. I am “from the 60’s” and grew up listening to him through the acoustic years to the electrified sound to the garbled, mumbled years when he was seriously drunk and drugged. Liked him through all that. Now he is sober and still charming and cool. Using the word “cool” certainly dates me, but he is. His voice is clearer now that he is abstaining. You can understand what he says. It is how he says it that still wins my heart. He has a voice like a graded gravel road and the cadence still resembles that from “Every---body-—must—get—stoned!”
He was Bobby Zimmerman when he grew up in Hibbing, MN. He started his music career singing in coffee houses near the U of MN. I think my sister saw him at The Scholar in the very early 60’s. He was a folk hero until he plugged in his guitar.
Bob Dylan. Hipster and durable musician. Now he is a disc jockey/ radio host. Still cool. Still charming and looking good. It won’t matter much if he looks good. He can do radio another 20-30 years. No one will know what he looks like. He just needs that voice. Listen for yourself on his website.
Monday, August 25, 2008
No Monk e-business Here
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Snowmometer near Copper Harbor, MI
Okay, Everyone Fall In
Looks like the next season up is sliding quickly our way.
Garden mums are for sale at the grocery store and I planted mine yesterday.
There are lots of ripe tomatoes on our vines.
The Sunday newspaper is fat and thick with ad circulars hawking back-to-school clothes, computers and dorm furnishings.
The state fair is here.
We’re sleeping with the windows open and the AC is at rest.
Roasting a turkey and baking gingerbread is appealing.
The Olympics are over.
I spotted a couple neighborhood girls loading containerized stuff in the back of a pickup truck yesterday. Freshman orientation at college is beginning.
The squirrels bombed us with acorns this morning as we sat on the deck drinking our morning coffee. We are under a big oak tree. Those flying rodents may hold a grudge that we cut down a tree they nested in( last fall). They seemed to take aim at us, dropping acorns.
The Democrats are meeting tomorrow in Denver.
The Republicans are coming to St. Paul next week.
Did you notice how nice downtown St. Paul looks?
I need a sweater when I walk early in the morning.
I need a sweater when I walk later in the morning too.
My husband thinks the weather is perfect.
Must be fall already.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Is That You Gov'ner?

In Minnesota our boy governor, Tim Pawlenty, has been named as someone on the short list to share the ticket with John McCain.
I like Pawlenty. Some don’t. He came into office when the state was broke and made deep cuts in spending that offended some. I don’t think he had a choice. The state cannot print more money and run on a deficit like the federal government.
Pollsters say if Pawlenty was on the ticket with McCain, they would take Minnesota, which is now considered a swing state. A favorite son would give them a 13% lead over Obama who is now ahead here. The governor is socially and fiscally conservative and young and make the ticket more appealing to some. The poll shows he would sell well with independents. He has his detractors but did win election twice.
Here is my question: Why don’t the two major party candidates pick the governors of each state as the VP on their ticket? Different ticket in each state. Run with Pawlenty in Minnesota, Romney in Massachusetts, Schwartzenegger in California etc. That way they could have favorite sons everywhere their party had a man or woman in the governor's mansion.
Face it Democrats and Republicans, this race may be tipped by uncommitted independents. The governors are proven winners on their turf and could add a layer of excitement and chaos that would make us forget Florida’s voting system. Win one for the Gov’ner.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Dancing Queen

By the Shores of Gitche Gumme
Krazy Kat
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Made in America?
I wish I had gotten photos of a couple other whimsical vehicles; a big, long, vintage car painted like the "batmobile" and a truck with a moose rack mounted on top. The antlers reached far over the sides of the pickup and must have been 6 or 7 feet across.
We road tested our new Hyundai and were pleased. The sticker rates it as 32/mpg but we got 34.5 mpg when we drove 60mph on the highway. That drops with stop and go driving or faster speeds but overall still about 31. It is made in America but mostly by robots, not flesh and blood Americans.
They Do Call Them "Pasties" in the UP
We were at Toni's about 10:30am and I was afraid it would be too early to get a pasty. No problem. Later we saw them making them production line style in the kitchen. A waiter said they serve about 200 / day. Record is 900/ day.
Jon had a big, hot cooked breakfast complete with a cinammon roll for dessert. I had the pasty and raspberry cobbler with ice cream. We both had coffee. The bill was $13.65. If I go broke I may move there. Looked like you could get a good deal on a modest home in that town. It is an economically depressed area with friendly, hardworking people who are resilient enough to withstand cold, snowy winters. Maybe I would just live there in the summer and winter in Arizona unless I found an active chapter of Scrabble or Cribbage players.
Laurium, MI is also the hometown of George Gipp of Knute Rockne and the Four Horseman fame. "Win one for the Gipper" is a line uttered by a young Ronald Reagan when he acted in a movie about Gipp and the famous Notre Dame football squad. They have a memorial to George Gipp in a pocket park in the town.
This is a quote from young George to famed coach Knute Rockne uttered on his deathbed. It may sound familiar if you saw the spoof of this in the movie "Airplane".
"Acclaimed for his football prowess and natural athletic talent, it is undoubtedly the parting words to his coach that fuels his legend. As lore has it these words were spoken from his deathbed:"I've got to go, Rock. It's all right. I'm not afraid. Some time, Rock, when the team is up against it, when things are wrong and the breaks are beating the boys -- tell them to go in there with all they've got and win just one for the Gipper.I don't know where I'll be then, Rock. But I'll know about it, and I'll be happy."As Gipp requested, these words were used to inspire “the boys” in the November 1928 game against Army, and they did “Win one for the Gipper.”
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Other Coast

We are anxious to hear seagulls, eat pasties, and see those vistas over the waterand watch those gentle waves.
Around Munising, MI there are shipwreck tours. Might do that. There was a lot of shipping on the great lakes years ago. They did not have the benefit of good weather forecasting and GPS or radar and the lake claimed a lot of boats and lives.
The area has old copper mines and pasties were the food miners carried in their lunch pails. (rhymes with nasty) They are the original "hot pockets" and a lot more tasty than the frozen ones.
Maybe it is my Norwegian Viking blood, but I am drawn back to that big, cold lake and feel cheated if we don't get there once or twice a year.
When I blog, I usually look on the Internet for a picture or website to use. As I was finishing this mornings blog, I Googled "pastie" for info and got a surprise. Definition: a small, adhesive circle to cover the nipple. Sorry. Honest error. Didn't mean to go there. The delicious miners' lunch is spelled "pasty". Bet I remember that now. But how do you spell the plural of pasty? Think I will just order one pasty at the restaurant.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
That's a Lot of Bull

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Greek Week
Starting Sunday, for five evenings, I have waited to see Mike's event. I also stayed up later than usual to see the end of the women's overall gymnast competition. Five nights in a row I dozed off and missed part of what I had wanted to see. I'm grateful I could catch up in the re-plays. I tried drinking more coffee later in the day. I tried Coke. I still dozed off and missed things I wanted to see. (Another kind of attention deficit on my part.)
That experience jolted another thought. Sometimes I live my life missing wonderful moments. Missing opportunities to tell people I care about how important they are to me. Missing opportunities to do things for others. Not being aware. Too comfortable. Too well-fed. Forgive me and thanks for taking the time to read this blog.
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Royal Oui

Thursday, August 14, 2008
How To Recognize a Knock-off

Yes, I Can
Car Talk Too

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Car Talk

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Don't Let Them Get Your Goat
Monday, August 11, 2008
Time In A Bottle

Sunday, August 10, 2008
They Will Only Have Kissin' Cousins

This is the weekend of our family reunion and I am glad I have lots of cousins. I treasure the aunts and uncles still here and look forward to seeing everyone this afternoon.Without real cousins the Chinese will have to settle for kissin' cousins. This is a definition I found while Googling. It doesn't mean it is correct, but it sounds right.
" 'Kissin' cousins' is a sourthern Americanism that predates the Civil War. The term at first referred to a distant blood relationshi but today means a very close friend who is considered family. The 'Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins' states: It still is used in its original sense of a relative far removed enough to permit marriage, "an eighth cousin" in the North.'Kissin' cousins' does not derive from kith and kin.Kin stems from the Middle English word 'cynn' meaning race, kind or people. It's a derivative of the word 'kindred' meaning related by birth or (incorrectly) marriage. Kin refers to one's relatives collectively.Kith literally means knowledge of etiquette (believe it or not) but has come to mean familiar friends, neighbors, countrymen or acquaintances.The term kith and kin means one's relations and/or family connections."
Faster Than a Speeding Bullet, It Is Gone..

Friday, August 8, 2008
The Bigamist

We’ll hear a lot about all things Chinese in the coming weeks. Might as well toss my impressions in the mix too.
When I was growing up we called it Peking. Peking not Beijing. What would you get if you ordered Peking Duck in a café in China? Would you need to order Beijing Duck?
Officials in China, anticipating the sensibilities of the western world, have banned the serving of dog in their restaurants. That doesn’t mean a dog couldn’t eat in the restaurant. He just could not be wokked. Our son, Andy, who spent six weeks in China last summer said he never saw a full sized, grown dog. Plenty of puppies, but no bigger dogs. Wonder what happened to them.
If dogs are banned, will you still be able to get a hot dog from a street vendor? Before we get snooty and judgmental about Chinese food, consider what we eat disguised in the hot dog.
China may be the salvation of our auto industry. They love GM cars. The wealthier class aspires to acquire a Buick. Maybe GM can again overtake Toyota as #1. Market those Buicks more heavily in Asia. Turn about fair play. After all they have a lot of money from all their exports to the US. We could probably make a deal to buy up all those used bicycles you saw everyone riding during the Mao years. We need to conserve gas and watch our budgets and should ride bikes..
My son Andy has an employee picnic today at lunchtime to celebrate the beginning of the Olympics. He was amused that they are serving Gyros. Where did you say those Olympics are again? The Middle East? If you pronounce gyro like they do in the middle east is sounds like “Gi-row”. Many Americans say “hero”. Maybe that is why they chose that menu. We look to our Olympians as heroes. Hero sandwiches. Jon and I are eating hot dogs.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
It's Not Easy Being Green

Saturday, August 2, 2008
GR 8 FL 1
We have had stuff happening the past two weeks starting with daughter Mary being involved in a car accident. She is 26 weeks pregnant with twins and she and the babies are fine. Gave all of us a scare. They kept her in the hospital over the weekend to monitor her and the babies. Thank God all is well. The driver of the other car was a paramedic and she was just two blocks from a major hospital. Again, we are grateful that everything worked out.
Today we were in a car accident. It looks like our car is totalled. Not our fault and the other driver admitted blame and was ticketed. We went (by ambulance) to the ER and passed the tests but are sore. Should be A-OK in a day or so. Nothing big. Again, there was an off-duty Wisconsin highway patrolman at the scene who helped keep us safe and called 911. No one in the other (big) SUV was hurt.
I feel compassion for the 19 yr old driver of his mom's car. Keep him in your prayers. I don't think he read the fine print on his insurance card that said not to admit guilt, but it was obvious it was his fault becauses he made a U-turn from the shoulder into our car.